What is this?
Administrative law is basically one of the arms of public law, on one side of which is the public entity, for performing the functions typical of state activity, and another the particular.
By its own state activity are understood vast matters, such as the hiring of personnel (public tender); the laws of civil servants and administrative matters (promotions, removals, and disciplinary administrative processes) and public contracts (hospital activities bidding).
But it is because of the supremacy of the public interest over the private interest that there are manifest and deserving protections.
In this scenario, Jobim Advogados Associados – Advisory in Administrative Law – was structured to specialize.
There are specific professionals to act in favor of the individual for errors, abuses made in the Public Administration.
In the neighborhoods of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, more and more there is the growth of private actions in the face of Public Administration.
Public Servants
Team under the guidance of a specialist, deals with matters related to public servants of all organs, aiming at the defense of rights such as:
- Promotions;
- Removals and movements;
- Additional and gratuities;
- Leave and leave;
- Advocacy in disciplinary and administrative disciplinary proceedings;
- Defense against political persecution;
- Reintegration.
There is specialized professional action with the defense of the military of the Armed Forces and incentives to the own defenses of the Forces.
The field of action is broad, such as:
- Defense of temporary military personnel in respect of illness or incapacity for military service;
- Accidents in service;
- Right to retirement;
- Leave and leave;
- Special License (before not enjoying and not double counting for inactivity);
- Vacations not taken and not counted double for inactivity when the military was a recruit.
Public Contracts
Specialized area in the action for private individuals to balance public contracts and defense with the bidding committees.
In this area it fits:
- Analysis, interpretation and opinion on administrative legislation;
- Analysis of administrative contracts;
- Assistance in public and private bids, such as the analysis of public notices and respective bidding processes, assisting in the elaboration of challenges to public notices, defenses, appeals and challenges to the qualification of competitors;
- Analysis and orientation regarding normative acts, ordinances and regulations issued by ministries, secretariats, regulatory agencies, municipalities, departments and entities of the public administration in general;
- Release of Concessions and public service permits;
- Administrative Litigation, that is, the filing of lawsuits related to administrative law, such as writ of mandamus, declaratory and annulment actions, among others.
Acting in favor of charities, which involves:
- Documentary analysis to assist in the concession / renewal of CEBAS;
- Representation with the Ministries of Health, Social Development and Education.
- Representation with the respective Secretariats of Health.
- Analysis of contracts regarding the right and receipt of IAC and IntegraSUS and other incentives;
- Search for amounts paid by charities and not owed by the Public Administration, such as INSS employer quota and RAT and PIS.
- Search for monetary corrections and interest in the event of default. This default (late payment) is a contract illegal. The delay implies a devaluation of the currency, and monetary correction is only to restore the purchasing power resulting from the delay itself. Regarding the contractual offense, correction is applied, according to the Summary 43 of the STJ, and interest on arrears.
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Ipiranga Ave., n.º 40, rooms 1011 and 1012
Ed. Trend City Center – Torre Office
B. Praia de Belas – Zip Code 90160-090
+55 (51) 3094.7007 / +55 (51) 3013.0392
+55 (51) 99605.4104
Itália Ave., n.º 288, rooms 83 and 83A
Ed. Evolve Premium Offices
B. São Pelegrino – Zip Code 95010-040
+55 (54) 3419.9752 / +55 (54) 3419.9753
(54) 99118.7027
Serafim Valandro St., nº 1.520
Ed. Gov. Walter Jobim
B. Centro – Zip Code 97015-630
+55 (55) 3222.6022 / +55(55) 3026.0922
+55 (55) 3028.0922 / +55 (55) 99971.1528
Francisco Leitão St., n.º 469, 9º level
Ed. Executive Tower
B. Jardim América – Zip Code 05414-020
+55 (11) 2615.3505