What it is?

In a scenario of complex and globalized commercial and economic relations, where business activity is increasingly characterized as a risk activity, given the numerous legal commitments that are transferred from the public to the private sphere, it is not enough for those who meet the It is necessary to constantly seek operational practices that offer concrete benefits, without the legal obstacles presented as a constraint to structuring and growth.

In this constant search for economic alternatives aimed at growth, it can be observed that business activity can be considered one of the main sources of enrichment of citizens and of tax contribution to the State.

In this scenario, Jobim Advogados Associados – Assessoria Empresarial was structured to provide specialized assistance capable of dialogue with the public sector, with the controller and with the legal department of the companies, always in order to assist in making more efficient decisions.

Composed of a team of leading professionals capable of dealing with legal and business trends, with current and pragmatic issues faced by large companies and large law firms, it develops effective judicial and extrajudicial measures for the production of quick, as well as being aware of sophisticated operations involving tax planning, auditing and fiscal management.

The Areas

Corporate and Litigation Business Area

Team under the guidance of a professional specialized in Corporate Operations and Tax Planning, deals with issues related to business creation, the choice of the best business model to be adopted in relation to the type of business desired, its consequent economic, corporate, tax and succession repercussions .

They act in the proposition and defenses of administrative and judicial demands, guaranteed rights and preventing violations.

The corporate business team has as a highlight:

  • Incorporation and structuring of companies;
  • Analysis of corporate, tax and succession risks in relation to business practices;
  • Corporate reorganization and reorganization, dissolution and liquidation of companies;
  • Corporate litigation;
  • Acquisitions, mergers, mergers and spin-offs;

The business team Litigation has as a highlight:

  • Bankruptcy and corporate recovery;
  • Obligations;
  • Credit Recovery (Debt collection and negotiation);
  • Contractual Civil Liability;
  • Real estate issues.

Administrative Business Area

Team under the guidance of a specialist in administrative law, deals with matters related to public entities (municipal, state and federal), aiming to establish standards of conduct to be observed by companies when their activities are subject to implementation or development requirements, such as concessions and public service permits.

The administrative business team has as a highlight:

  • Analysis, interpretation and opinion on administrative legislation;
  • Analysis of administrative contracts;
  • Assistance in public and private bids, such as the analysis of public notices and respective bidding processes, assisting in the elaboration of challenges to public notices, defenses, appeals and challenges to the qualification of competitors;
  • Analysis and orientation regarding normative acts, ordinances and regulations issued by ministries, secretariats, regulatory agencies, municipalities, departments and entities of the public administration in general;
  • Release of Concessions and public service permits;
  • Administrative Litigation, that is, the filing of lawsuits related to administrative law, such as writ of mandamus, declaratory and annulment actions, among others.

Labor Business Area

It is known that the productive sector / business is one of the great responsible for the generation of jobs, income and income for the country, but we also know that this potential could be better utilized, with a more favorable business environment, with greater legal certainty , stimuli for the expansion of production and jobs, the generation of new companies and the attraction of internal and external investments.

The Labor Business Team works under the guidance of a professional specialist in the labor area of ​​employers, which highlights the preventive action through the implementation of an effective legal-labor planning, observing the company and its relationships with its outsourced employees and outsourced professionals

The Labor business team has as a highlight:

  • Consultancy and advice on disciplinary procedures; /li>
  • Work Contracts and their practical application;
  • Evaluation of labor liabilities;
  • Labor Litigation;
  • Assistance in litigation, human resource consulting, union negotiations and consultancy in the areas of work safety and social security;
  • Guidance and follow-up with the supervisory bodies (Ministry of Labor and Public Prosecutor’s Office);
  • Preventing disputes between employees and employers.

Business Tax Area

Reality shows us daily that in spite of the high tax burden, generating high values ​​collected with taxes, such economic size does not become quality of life for the population.

In a line of reasoning that imposes itself and ends up being logical, the excess of taxes diminishes the profitability of the companies, which generates a disincentive to the investment, and, by this way, it hinders the growth, consequently reducing the tax collection.

In this scenario, companies need to be more competitive, because in a global environment and intense competition, competitiveness has been lost for countries that have better conditions to set up and grow economically.

Thus, the Corporate Tax Team, under the guidance of a specialist lawyer, stands out in the joint action with the accounting and financial areas of companies, seeking in the adequate knowledge and interpretation of laws, jurisprudence and normative acts a way to minimize risks and unnecessary contributions , boosting results.

The tributary business team has as a highlight:

  • Tax Consulting and Planning – characterized by the development of more appropriate business practices for the constitution and structuring of corporate societies, with a focus on economy and fiscal security.
  • Performance in administrative tax proceedings – preparation of defenses and lodge appeals against infraction notices (municipal, state and federal spheres);
  • Business Tax Planning, where it finds out more advantageous forms for the formation of companies.

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Ipiranga Ave., n.º 40, rooms 1011 and 1012
Ed. Trend City Center – Torre Office
B. Praia de Belas – Zip Code 90160-090
+55 (51) 3094.7007 / +55 (51) 3013.0392
+55 (51) 99605.4104


Itália Ave., n.º 288, rooms 83 and 83A
Ed. Evolve Premium Offices
B. São Pelegrino – Zip Code 95010-040
+55 (54) 3419.9752 / +55 (54) 3419.9753
(54) 99118.7027


Serafim Valandro St., nº 1.520
Ed. Gov. Walter Jobim
B. Centro – Zip Code 97015-630
+55 (55) 3222.6022 / +55(55) 3026.0922
+55 (55) 3028.0922 / +55 (55) 99971.1528


Francisco Leitão St., n.º 469, 9º level
Ed. Executive Tower
B. Jardim América – Zip Code 05414-020
+55 (11) 2615.3505


SHN, Square 01, Block F, Room 1.302
Ed. Vision
Asa Norte – Zip Code 70701-000
+55 (61) 3548.8222

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OAB/RS 2531